Plan your retirement early with Mutual Funds

Retirement is often referred to as the “golden period” of life, considering that you have successfully shouldered most of your responsibilities by then and finally have the time to pursue what you truly wanted. However,…

9% returns in one year: Should you bet…

Investors are betting big on floater funds or floating rate funds, shows data from Association of Mutual Funds in India. In the last three months (September-November), the category has witnessed a total inflow of Rs…

How to invest in direct plans of mutual…

04 Dec 2020, 03:56 PM IST1/6​What are direct MF plans?All mutual fund schemes are offered to investors in two variants: a regular plan and a direct plan. The regular plan includes commission or brokerage paid…

US-based international funds: Should you bet on S&P…

International funds are gaining acceptance among Indian mutual fund investors. Many mutual fund houses and distributors have also started pushing these schemes that invest in the overseas markets enthusiastically lately. Mostly, the advice is to…