How Indian IT can compete with Google and…

By Mishi Choudhary and Eben MoglenThe world's major societies are now wrestling with the enormous social power wielded by the internet's “platform companies“.In Europe they speak of “GAFA“: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.Twitter, Uber and…

These Are Millennials' 5 Most Popular Stocks

Shutterstock photoMillennials seem to get a bad rap, especially when it comes to investing. But is the reality really as bad as it seems, or are millennials just the victim of unfair assumptions spread by…

Coolest gadgets to kick off summer

It's time to power-down your phone, put on some SPF 30 and head outside for BBQs, hikes and the beach days. But you don't have to give up all technology to relax. Here are some…

How to build cheaper smart weapons

ON APRIL 7th a salvo of missiles fired by American warships in the Mediterranean scored direct hits on several Syrian aircraft shelters from hundreds of miles away, demonstrating once more the effectiveness of precision, or…